
Homelander Sexually Assaults Becca Butcher And Fathers Ryan There are a lot of sad things about Billy Butcher, but the first one that fans learn about him is that Billy's campaign against the supes began when Homelander sexually assaulted his wife. and our Becca was also a caring and protective mother towards her son Ryan for whom she sacrificed part of her life so that he would grow up in the best conditions and not be another Vought asset. There's also a heightened sense of intelligence, which differs drastically to his TV counterpart. Is Ryans heat vision stronger than Homelander? The Dark History Of Homelander - Looper Lastly, when Becca was attacked by Stormfront, his laser vision severed Stormfronts limbs and burned her alive. She then watches helplessly as her son Ryan is brainwashed by Stormfront. Panicked, she asks for help from Jonah Vogelbaum who helps her give birth to her child. Unfortunately, he saw no other way to tell his story but tried to take the curse off of it by making Becca Butcher in The Boys so lovable a character that the audience would share Billy Butcher's rage at the pointless stupidity of her death. 6 John / HomelanderIts unknown how old Homelander is, but he was born before March 1994. First seen Likewise, what did homelander whisper to deep? The Boys all agree without exception to help get Ryan back. When the light subsides, Becca was accidentally hit in the process, having received a critical neck wound. She knew what was coming. His arrogance and vanity make him think of Butcher as nothing more than an inconvenience and, most importantly, a real threat. This all happens in front of Butcher, which goes a long way to explaining why he is the way he is. Becca ButcherBeccaMy Missus (by Billy Butcher)My Girl (by Billy Butcher)Fucking Bitch (by Stormfront)Mom (by Ryan Butcher)Mommy (by Ryan Butcher) Cause of death And not to mention that people think she was actually in a position to say no to someone as powerful as Homelander (in position of power and just physical powerful overall) says a lot. Vought made her sign a form of discrepancy where she couldn't tell anyone about the procedure, not even her husband. He received superhuman strength and durability. Vogelbaum said Becca died giving birth to Homelander's son, with the baby drowning in his mother's blood. American Homelander | The Boys Wiki | Fandom You can find him on Twitter @LD_Nolan. A few days after the party, Becca met with Homelander in a private room where he raped her. It was Black Noir, a mentally unstable Homelander clone who is placed on the team as a killswitch in the comics. In addition to his work for Screen Rant, Matt is currently the Editor In Chief of Kabooooom.com and writes reviews for No Flying, No Tights a graphic literature and anime review site aimed at teachers and librarians. She met Butcher on a subway train, and the two started dating not long after. Season 2 of The Boys crafted a storyline for Becca Butcher that was radically different from her fate in the original comics and, in doing so, corrected a mistake author Garth Ennis felt he made while writing the original story. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The whole bloody ordeal set the leader of The Boys on . Occupation The Boys Season 2 explains just why Homelander let Billy Butcher live following the Season 1 finale. Becca believes Homelander is trying to turn Ryan against her, but Homelander assures her he just wants what's best for Ryan because he was raised the exact same way as Ryan. Similarly one may ask, why did homelander let butcher live? Cookie Notice The half-formed Supe, not content with matricide, turns on Billy. Why would she go into a hotel room alone with him, at night? She didn't die immediately though "Becky" Butcher (as she's called in the comics) meets her end months later when the superpowered fetus claws its way out of her. It was casual as anything. In fact, Butcher's wife has more than held her own against her sadistic baby daddy Homelander while fending for herself in seclusion. He has a Ph.D. and speaks five languages. Becca leaves him no choice and makes him promise to bring Ryan back to her at all costs so that Ryan does not become like Homelander, which Butcher does. Firstly, when Homelander was aggressive towards Becca, Ryan was able to push him away. However, even fans of The Boys felt that it was excessive and unnecessary, and Amazon proved this when The Boys' show achieved the same objectives without the nightmare-inducing infanticide. Deceased Is it true that Homelander assaulted Becca? Homelander has only had to fight enemies who are far weaker than Superman, whereas Superman knows how to battle opponents who are nearly as strong as he is. He tells her to leave without him because he is afraid of becoming an example for Ryan and not taking the risk of trying to hurt Ryan again. Another reason Homelander may have kept Butcher alive is because he enjoys humiliating him. However,Homelander is tremendously arrogant, which is at least partially why he let Billy go. Season(s) This act of violence left Becca feeling traumatized and she sought help from Vought when she confirmed that she was pregnant with Homelander's child. After January 24th, 2012, she went to Vought for help and confirmed she was pregnant with Homelander's child. EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. If he raped for three hours, and she disappeared mysteriously afterwards, wouldn't you be wondering what happened to her? Now, The Boys are full of mysteries and questions, regarding both specific characters and concepts. Warning! the TL;DR: Stillwells milk contains traces of Compound V, and Homelander became addicted to it, which is why he is obsessed with milk because that is how he gets his high. MM would also gain superpowers by drinking the same amount of milk, either by accident or necessity. From there, Becca was allowed to raise the child in privacy at the cost of everyone believing she disappeared or died. Later, though, when Homelander decides to tell Billy the truth, Becca goes to her garden with Ryan after hearing a noise. Besides above, why is homelander jealous of the baby? Despite only having any real character development in season 2 of The Boys, it's undeniable that Becca Butcher has been one of the most important elements of the Amazon Prime superhero series from the very start.. RELATED: The Boys: 15 Strongest Super-Abled Characters, Ranked Prior to the finale of season 1, it was believed that Becca was dead. Becca Butcher | The Boys Wiki | Fandom While some of the Avengers lack the power or strength to defeat Homelander, others are a formidable challenge to Homelander. Related: The Boys: Every Way Homelander Is Different From The Comics. Later on, we see that Homelander and Becca in fact did sleep together (and it seems consensual? In the season 2 finale, Butcher's wife, Becca, stabs Stormfront in the eye. That night, while Billy was out for a walk, Becky was assaulted by Black Noir (disguised as Homelander). The supe bluntly tells Becca that Ryan can't be hurt, assuming that Ryan inherited his father's invulnerability. Becca's life changes again when Billy tracks her down and reunites with her again. She is forced to sign a confidentiality agreement in exchange, forbidding her to tell anyone, even her husband. To make matters worse, Butcher has been too embroiled in his vendetta to realize it's happening (and as the season 3 finale showed, it's probably too late). Butcher is left with a lot of questions about what happened between his wife and Homelander as a result of this revelation. The Boys ' Becca is no damsel in distress. Both Ryan and Billy are becoming people Becca would hate, which makes her death all the more meaningful. The Super lets go of her but Becca is badly injured. I thought her fear was based on his murderous nature, but it's clear she's deeply traumatized by him. In doing this, the show's writers made Rebecca Butcher into a stronger character and the most heroic person on The Boys. He received superhuman strength and durability. Alongside his teammates, Butcher used a shot of Compound-V on his impeccably trained bulldog Terror, giving him a super-powered attack dog whos always at his side. His expertise varies from Alfred Hitchcock movies to Bleach, as he has explored a lot of fictional Universes and authors. Billy tells him that he hasnt found anything on Ryan so far and that he is continuing his research. I'm confused about Becca and Homelander : r/TheBoys - Reddit Billy is forced to beat the baby to death with a lampshade and literally no part of this harrowing process is spared in the artwork. As a fan of the show, I really admire how problems I had with the comics were fixed in the show and how the writers were able to take issues from the real world and apply it to the show. She is forced to sign a confidentiality agreement in exchange, forbidding her to tell anyone, even her husband. The video of her leaving his office showed she was hurried, disheveled and generally looked upset afterwards. She tells him that her son has been kidnapped. Vought forced Becca to fake her death and to raise this child, believing that this would create a new supe even more powerful than Homelander. Homelander suggested the affair was consensual (though you definitely shouldnt take his words at face value) and Becca has been looking after their son for eight years. Although Butcher disapproves, he nonetheless allows her to stay with them. Becca was absolutely wrecked after her encounter with him and obviously in a state of shock after leaving the room. We learn that Billy believes Homelander raped Billys wife Becca and is ultimately responsible for her disappearance. We learn that Billy believes Homelander raped Becca, Billys wife, and is ultimately responsible for her disappearance. ), and their encounter leads to her getting pregnant. Its coercion, its intimidation, its people with a lot of power doing whatever they want to the people who are in situations who don't have it, it's being powerless without the power to fight back. Before Stormfront can see the light leave Becca's eyes, Ryan becomes furious and uses his heat vision to stop Stormfront in a flash of light. In the comics it's actually revealed that no, it wasn't Homelander that raped her. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Becca Butcher's death in season 2 of The Boys was emotional and her story certainly dark, but while gory, it wasn't excessively violent unlike what Ryan did to Stormfront in retaliation. Until Ryan threatens Homelander to leave them both alone. Did Homelander really assault Becca? - TimesMojo What happens to Becca in the boys? Plus, Homelander would pretty easily be able to just force his way into his son's life. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? Billy tries to help her without success and Ryan accidentally uses his powers against Stormfront. Enraged at having been lied to, Homelander burned out Stillwell's eyes, killing her. During the season one finale, it's revealed that was only half right; Becca was raped but ended up having a son by Homelander and was spirited away by Vought. At a 2011 Christmas party, Becca introduced her husband, Billy to Homelander. Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? Three months after insemination, the fetus, almost fully formed, claws her way out of Rebecca Butchers stomach while she and Billy are in bed. Becca explains that Homelander only spared Butcher one time because she said that if he hurt you that she would kill herself in front of Ryan. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/comments/m6fn9v/question_why_did_becca_the_butchers_girlfriend/, https://www.quora.com/Did-Homelander-really-rape-Becca-Why-was-it-left-so-vague, https://screenrant.com/boys-season-2-becca-butcher-ryan-decision-right-reason/, https://the-boys.fandom.com/wiki/Becca_Butcher, https://gufosaggio.net/info/139481/why-did-becca-sleep-with-homelander, https://fictionhorizon.com/did-homelander-assault-rape-becca-why-was-it-so-vague/, https://practiceadvices.com/data/advice/read/99924-why-did-becca-sleep-with-homelander, https://faq-blog.com/was-becca-and-homelander-consensual, https://www.themarysue.com/lets-talk-becca-from-the-boys/, https://www.gamesradar.com/the-boys-ending-explained-season-1-homelander-billy-butcher-becca/. But Billy and Homelander discovered that she had . Becca grows suspiciously concerned as Homelander apologizes to Ryan for pushing him last time. Female After a grueling and messy process, Becca successfully delivered the baby. Butcher believes that Homelander raped and murdered his wife, Becca (Shantel VanSanten). She then demands to talk with Homelander outside. 2020, Rochester, New York He holds both an MS in Information Science from the University of North Texas and a BFA from the University of Texas at Arlington. Billy Butcher (Husband)Ryan Butcher (Son)Rachel Saunders (Sister)Unnamed ParentsSam Butcher (Father-In-Law)Connie Butcher (Mother-In-Law)Lenny Butcher (Brother-In-Law) As Stormfront chokes her, Ryan (aka Becca and Homelander's son) uses his laser eyes for the first time, amputating Stormfront's limbs and burning her face off (unintentionally killing Becca in the process). Ryan then breaks free from her grasp and jumps into Homelander's arms as the two fly off, leaving Becca crying. I really liked how they changed her situation in the comics, where she was assaulted and fridged, and then became unfridged, and what this did to both her and Bucher's character development. Here are the five most gruesome acts by Homelander in The Boys . Maybe Homelander forced her to do something she wasn't ready for, but that looked like an affair. Warning: The following contains SPOILERS for The Boys season 2 and The Boys graphic novels. She also doesnt vanish after being raped by Homelander and instead returns to Billy to try and lead a normal life. It's not just Homelander who Ryan is growing to resemble, though Homelander and Billy are more alike than Butcher would ever admit. Billy, though, is tenacious, and he'swilling to do anything to get Becca back, so Homelander might have grossly underestimated his opponent this time around. Despite the fact that Butcher disagrees, he allows her to stay with them. Butcher believed that eight years ago Homelander raped his wife Becca (Shantel VanSanten), a Vought PR exec, causing her to have a mental breakdown, leading Bill to believe she either ran away. As showrunner Eric Kripke explained, Homelanders weaknesses are physiological. His arrogance and vanity mean he could never consider Butcher to be anything more than an inconvenience, and certainly not a real threat. Throughout Season 2, Becca has done a lot to raise Ryan as a normal child, unlike Homelander, who only wants to train him to use his abilities. Homelander doesn't have a pattern of rape. Later on, we learn that Homelander and Becca did sleep together (which appears to be consensual?) New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Season 3 of The Boys took the Ryan story arc in a dark direction, setting him up as a possible future antagonist who takes after his father Homelander, and Becca's death was arguably the catalyst. After that night, Becca was troubled on how to handle the situation. Becca stares at Homelander enraged, to which Homelander answers that he deserves to know the truth. Vought then placed her in a secret facility run by Dr. Park. For the longest time, Billy assumed Becca was raped by Homelander and either killed herself or was bumped off by Vought. Ryan was able to push Becca away when Homelander was aggressive toward him. Her saying "You don't get to say he's yours after what you did!". Becca Butcher in The Boys and the Becky Butcher of the comics are incredibly different characters, though. Also, MM would get superpowers by drinking the same milk maybe by mistake or necessity. This is also how Billy Butcher learns of the rape, although its not until later that he discovers how Homelander was the specific member of The Seven responsible. A billion is a number that has two distinct definitions: 1,000,000,000 (one thousand million), or 109 (ten to the ninth power) on the short scale., Tomatoes and other garden vegetables will undoubtedly be consumed by them. Here's how The Boys on Amazon fixes one of the worst mistakes from the comics Rebecca Butcher. The Boys 'sob' as Butcher and Becca finally reunited - and - The Sun Privacy Policy. (Spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't seen the entirety of S1.). Wait, Homelander and Rebecca Butcher Did he actually The Boys: Top 10 Worst Things Homelander Has Done Vogelbaum told Homelander in episode 8 that his one regret is that Homelander should have been raised by a loving family, instead of a cold, sterile lab. Ryan reveals Homelander showed Ryan that his whole neighborhood is fake, the house, the school, all of it. Did Becca Cheat On Butcher With Homelander? - Mastery Wiki Becca denies the claims saying Ryan is different because he has a mother. He was created to keep an eye on Homelander, and would kill him and take his place were he to ever turn evil. The Boys are primarily known as a comic book series, but Amazon Primes streaming adaptation of the comic book which contains a lot of changes and additions has helped the series become a global phenomenon. But in Season. "What I Know""The Only Man in the Sky" (voice) Becca eventually manages to escape from the gate some time later, and eventually tracks Butcher to the pawnshop in East Flatbush, and hugs him once he lets her in. This, in turn, fueled Butcher's own Punisher-parodying fall from grace, as he became exactly the sort of vengeful monster Becca feared Butcher might become if he learned about her rape and sought to avenge her. Maeve explains that Black Noir has a tree nut allergy, a simple but genuinely surprising weakness for such a mysterious and seemingly immortal figure. Both the stalks and tops of, To put it another way, Earth 2 isnt nearly as good of an investment at this time as doubling down on Bitcoin. She was full of kindness towards others. The heart-breaking speech Becca gave to Billy in the show mirrored one she gave to Billy Butcher in The Boys' comics, which Billy read in her diary after Becca's death. Seeing Homelander pushing Ryan to use his powers, she intervenes and tells him to go do his math informing him that she is coming to help him. The last we saw of her, she was blubbering out German as she lay burnt to a crisp with no legs, Ryan having blasted her with his own super-powered laser eye beams. Species Did Homelander assault and rape Becca in the comics? Physical description There's also a fact people should be aware of is that when Homelander mentioned that Becca orgasmed more than once back in season 1, people assume that orgasming means that they enjoyed the sexual experience. His death is Butchers main motivating factor in his crusade against Supes, as well as the reason for his burning hatred towards Homelander. They are interrupted by Hughie who praises her before showing his findings to the others. Ryan is a natural born supe, the first of his kind, displaying superpowers very similar to his father, Homelander. She went to Vought for assistance after January 24th, 2012, and confirmed that she was pregnant with Homelanders child. Did Becca willingly sleep with Homelander? She arms herself to come with them but Billy is against it for fear of putting her in danger.

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