
A way to measure the extent of sex inequality set up by the UN Gini coefficient is a measure of inequality developed by an Italian statistician. No country has this as main form of economics. For example, urban areas often provide more job opportunities than rural areas, but income inequality may also be higher in urban areas. What are some consequences of uneven development? Og70dAl}gx)&~:TvZ?4HC\5bOfh~~`a!/6-~ PK;~Q=. Manufacturing employment in the U.S. has declined from around 25% of the total workforce in the 1950s to around 10% in recent years. The amount of wealth or goods that people have. a measure of how many units of currency are needed in one country to buy the amount of goods and services that one unit of currency will buy in another country. Answer: Urbanization and globalization are interrelated as global economic forces often influence the growth of urban areas. Infant Mortality Rate is the number of children that die under the age of 1, per 1000 births. Develop a global partnership for development, the unequal distribution of people, resources and wealth that is a fundamental characteristic of human geography; the increasing gap in economic conditions between core and peripheral regions as a result of the globalization of the economy, Economic Sector (Agriculture). G) Analyze the effectiveness of one policy or program designed to address the challenges of migration and its consequences. What causes changes in the economic world? Example: The productivity of a certain car, five steps through which all countries must pass to become developed. To be truly sustainable, ecotourism must be carefully planned and managed to ensure that the negative impacts on the environment and local communities are minimized. An example of neocolonialism is the influence of the United States on the economies and governments of Latin American countries. There are stark differences between HICs and LICs. At December 31, 2016, the book value of the building was$28 million and its tax basis was $13 million. There is often a huge gap between the very wealthy and the very poor, both in HICs and LICs. See the Inequality Adjusted Development Index from the U.N. Usually poor. The differences in development across the world, and how development takes place at different speeds. Answer: Assimilation refers to the process by which migrants adopt the cultural norms and values of their new communities. An example of this is the use of language policies to promote or suppress the use of certain languages in schools or government, which can affect the power and status of different linguistic groups. Example: This could happen in Nepal. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all. h. elastic demand. One historical example of a factor that contributed to population growth is the Industrial Revolution, which led to improvements in public health and increased life expectancy, leading to a population boom. However, people can be pushed out of their home country because of war or natural disasters. Review Session #1: AP Human Geography - Olympic High School Sustainable agriculture and food tourism: This type of ecotourism involves visiting farms, wineries, and other food and drink producers to learn about sustainable agriculture practices and to taste local produce. A way to measure the extent of sex inequality set up by the UN. 438 0 obj <> endobj One example of a policy designed to promote assimilation among migrants is language training programs, which can help migrants integrate into their new communities by improving their ability to communicate with others. I just directed ChatGPT to do the following: Create six free-response questions no stimulus modeled after the free-response question no stimulus found in the AP Human Geography Sample Exam located on page 167 of the AP Human Geography Course and Exam Description. This is because healthcare is typically better, with more access to doctors, and investment into this sector is higher. Human geography or anthropogeography is the branch of geography that studies spatial relationships between human communities, cultures, economies, and their interactions with the environment, examples of which is studied in schools are urban sprawl, urban redevelopment etc. International migration is the movement of people across borders. Example: Help keep trade between Mexico and the US. Assume an income tax rate of 40%. 2). For example: In Rostow's model uneven global development can be lessened, but in Wallerstein's model uneven global development is a basic characteristic of the world system. Turns natural resource into something else (product for sale). Development" section in the AP Human Geography Course Description, which includes "accounts of . Many Latin American countries have a history of U.S. intervention and influence, and have implemented economic policies that favor U.S. interests, such as free trade agreements and privatization of state-owned enterprises. An example of just-in-time delivery is a car manufacturer that receives parts from its suppliers as they are needed on the production line, rather than receiving large batches of parts in advance and storing them in a warehouse. On January 1, 2013, Ameen Company purchased a building for $36 million. Students examine contemporary spatial patterns of industrialization and the resulting geography of uneven developmentfor example, the differences between urban and rural China or Brazil. the average period that a person may expect to live. Provides loans to countries experiencing balance-of-payments problems that threaten expansion of international trade. Nie wieder prokastinieren mit unseren Lernerinnerungen. An example of a maquiladora is a factory in Mexico that imports raw materials from the United States, assembles the materials into finished products, and then exports the products back to the United States. (NICs). E) Analyze the relationship between migration and political issues such as nationalism, citizenship, and border control. Answer: A state is a political entity with defined territorial boundaries and a permanent population. B) Explain two social or cultural consequences of migration, providing an example of each. Materials that other things are made from. Uneven development can result in differences in wealth, and access to healthcare. What a state's dollar can actually buy compared to another state's dollar; what a country is able to buy. A growth pole is a specific area or sector that drives economic development in a region. They have significant economic power and influence and are often accused of exploiting developing countries and undermining local businesses and cultures. The SDGs are intended to be integrated and indivisible, meaning that they are interconnected and cannot be achieved in isolation. Additionally, as populations grow, more land may be cleared for agriculture or urban development, leading to deforestation and loss of habitat. b. demand Examples: lawyers, scientific companies, etc. This allows the car manufacturer to reduce the amount of storage space and capital that it needs to hold inventory, and also reduces the risk of parts becoming obsolete or damaged while in storage. A country that is at a relatively early stage in the process of economic development. Ecotourism activities often involve nature-based experiences, such as wildlife viewing, birdwatching, hiking, and camping. Alternative to international trade that emphasizes small businesses and worker owned and democratically run cooperatives and requires employers to pay workers fair wages, permit union organizing, and comply with minimum environmental and safety standards. They can also be found if you zoom into a country at a regional, local and even city scale. For example, the presence of migrant communities can lead to greater cultural exchange and diversity, but it can also lead to tensions around issues such as language or religion. Example: in charge of bus departures times, A company that conducts research, operates factories, and sells products in many countries, not just where its headquarters or shareholders are located. The polluter pays principle: This principle holds that those who generate pollution should bear the costs of preventing or mitigating it. In this unit, you will examine how supply and demand affect how a country can improve standards of living and how different economic systems can help citizens of a country gain more or less equality. For example, as populations grow, more water may be used for irrigation, leading to increased depletion of water resources. Many of these resources are used for energy production or are the base materials in manufacturing. What are some strategies that can help to close the development gap? The Sun Belt has historically been an attractive destination for migrants and retirees, and has also attracted businesses due to its lower labor and land costs. Answer: Linguistic imperialism refers to the dominance of one language over others, often as a result of colonialism or globalization. Where is a good example of tourism helping to close the development gap? Raw materials are often made into more expensive goods or products in HICs, therefore boosting these economies instead, whilst LICs have to import these expensive goods, so economic growth remains low. Can teach locals new skills. Example: factory worker or refiner, Economic Sector (Services). f .=80,95d.f.=80,95 percent confidence, c. d.f.=100,95d . Example: Loans to countries in Sub Saharan Africa, Works to reduce barriers to international trade. This causes a brain drain in the LIC, limiting economic development. Command economy: A command economy, also known as a planned economy, is one in which the government controls the production and distribution of goods and services. Countries in between. Does that sound easy enough to understand? Review Session #1: AP Human Geography. There were no other temporary differences and no permanent differences. Other examples of cities in the Sun Belt include Tampa, Florida; Dallas, Texas; and Las Vegas, Nevada. The development level of a country can be shown using development indicators, income labels or the development continuum. The images show examples of agricultural technology developed during different time periods. Colonialism has occurred intensely throughout history. Examples include the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, and the Maldives. A) Define the concept of population growth and provide one historical or contemporary example of a factor that has contributed to population growth. Refugees are people who are forced to leave their homes, often because it is unsafe to stay.

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