
So this is sometimes expressed as there were arguments about them; in reality it was just some communities had them and used them and some other ones didnt have them and therefore didnt. This is like Joseph in Genesis. Stephen: So the whole thing is burned. Stephen: Yeah. It not only leaves that reside and that taint within us, but within the people around us and in the actual, physical creation itself. Stephen: I know you really want Goat Week to be a thing. How are you doing? Right. Well, the text doesnt actually say how many there were; there were three gifts. Google Podcasts - The Whole Counsel Fr. Well see more of that as we go on, but to reiterate here that this is not, in its biblical usage, any kind of specialized technical theological term. Theyre not out in the wilderness; theyre not encamping in tents. I think thats the King James Version, at the beginning of Acts. Photius: Yes, sir. The answer is that they had to invent a new religion. That perfect union thereby sanctifies, makes holy, purifies humanity in our basic composition. Foiled again! Stephen De Young and Ancient Faith Radio Subscribe This podcast takes us through the Holy Scriptures in a verse by verse study based on the Great Tradition of the Orthodox Church. [Laughter] where it describes what Tubal-cain created. Stephen: The Antiochus was obviously a family name of the Seleucid dynasty, and they all took these titles. Andrew: Awesome. Lord of Spirits: Sons of God, Equal to the Angels. Orthodox Christian priests Fr. we ourselves heard this very voice carried from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain (2 Peter 1:16-18). Stephen: And this is why we eat ceremonial cakes on Meatfare Sunday. Facebook Stephen: And are listening to that Mexican radio station that used to come through on my microphone. Just to set a the latter two of those preserved for us in Slavonic. I do I will say, I acknowledge the King James Bible has some errors in it, translation errorsand we just lost all of our KJV-only listeners the one. This is Christ as being the goat for Yahweh. and he has to suffer now and get sacrificed! Like, thats not [Laughter] Thats not what the Scripture actually depicts. Stephen: But due to the frequency of the show, is it not actually Goat Fortnight? Stephen: Yeah. Bible Hacking with Dr. Stephen de Young - YouTube Fr. Stephen De Young is the author of God Is a Man of War and The Religion of the Apostles from Ancient Faith Publishing. I am an omni-nerd. Awesome stuff! Fr. Stephen: Yeah, and note that its not just Jews who are doing these Day of Atonement things. In case you miscontrued everything I just said: Youre not worshiping Azazel. What Hebrews 9:11-14 says that the key event that made this transition between the purification of just this small sacred space to the whole of creation is when Christ enters into the heavenly sanctuary as high priest, which is describing his ascension into heaven. We go by that. Stephen De Young Easily the most important work in Pauline Studies, and likely in Biblical Studies as a whole, of the current decade is Matthew Thomas' published Oxford dissertation, Paul's "Works of the Law" in the Perspective of Second Century Reception. But no Christian disputes that the theology of the apostles is the standard for Christian orthodoxy, so saying the apostles were orthodox in a general sense is not a very punchy claim since this is true tautologically. Dan: Yeah, the second question was: What was it about their understanding of the goats blood that was understood to have a cleansing or sanctifying effect over the various parts of the holy of holies and the Temple that you guys discussed? Stephen: the altar, the ark of the covenant, the other fixtures of the tabernacle in order to purify them, in order to remove that taint thats been left there, thats gathered there because of the sins of the people, because of the sins of the community over the course of the year, to purify it again. Stephen: Yeah, you dont get much worse than that. And if you read a lot of recent Old Testament scholarship, because of how loaded the word atonement has become, they try to call it something else. It does not offer a literature review or footnotes for those wishing to explore these issues further, and the bibliography is scant; instead, the book offers a more popular tone that makes it accessible to a wide readership. Fr. But hes appropriately describing it to help you make that connection, because what are the gospels? They think that sins are put on animals and then the animals sacrificed to Godthat never happens in the Scripture anywhere. And you just said the camp, and theres the wilderness out there. So lets talk about what St. John says about this. Stephen De Young and Ancient Faith Ministries. Stephen De Young, I felt I had finally come home. Stephen: No, it has nothing to do with that. Consequently, I greeted the arrival of Fr. Stephen De Young's article, Here There Be Giants which, just as Farley's, was posted to the Ancient Faith Ministries website: "The V. Rev. Were talking about atonement, and weve just taken a really whirlwind trip through the New Testament, just, I dont know, astonishingly beautiful stuff, looking at how Christ is both goats in the Day of Atonement ritual. Other sacrificial rituals where you see the laying-on of hands, thats to designate the animal as a sacrifice. Fr. Stephen: We dont want any. Andrew: Yeah, theyre now participating in the eschatological Day of Atonement. Im like: the rope thing is awesome! Fr. Fr. Fr. Stephen: like Brass Against and Cybertronic Spree, we refer to cover bands as atonement bands.. Dont mention that! Mr. 9781944967550. by Stephen De Young. Okay, but before we get to the New Testament, right? The reality is more like what we were talking about tonight that we see unfold in the Scriptures with atonement and everything else, that there are these cosmic realities of spiritual warfare, of Christ defeating the powers of evil, of Christ setting us free and purifying us, making us holy and setting us apart and bringing us into his kingdom; that are cosmic realities that each of us has been given the gift of being able to participate in, in time. Theres like cheering going up across the country now because we mentioned Azazel. The Religion of the Apostles: Orthodox Christianity in the First Century Its not anti-Semitic. Stephen shows convincingly that throughout the Old Testament, God was understood to be more than one person, and this was never a point of dispute during the Judaism of the Second Temple Period. Stephen has blogged about previously here as well. Fr. We have Dan from New York, and he has a question specifically about the Day of Atonement ritual. Photius in Texas. When he says that Christs blood is going to be upon them and upon their children, thats a blessing! It doesnt say that it was fulfilled by Jesus absorbing their diseases and becoming sick, or absorbing their demons and becoming possessed himself; he doesnt take it on himself in that way. In a passage drawing on his readers experiences of Jewish and of pagan ritual sacrifice, St. Paul emphasizes the continuity of the Holy Eucharist with these familiar, though now superseded, practices. Fr. Theres a lot of people standing around; this is the person whom were setting apart for this purpose. [Laughter], Fr. They are first mentioned in Genesis chapter 6 as the progeny of the sons of God and the daughters of men. Although the psychological characteristics of the Nephilim are not specifically described in the Bible, they are pictured in the Second Temple writings as being very belligerent, sexually aggressive, and prone to conflict. Andrew: Yeah, Im not into that kind of thing at all. So thats why we say this is an Angel of the Lord figure in the technical sense in the Old Testament: the Son of man, the Angel of the Lord, this second Person of Yahweh. The blood is used, the blood is smeared, wiped, used to cover. We experience them in worship, we experience them in our interactions with other people when we show the love of God to them, we experience them in the peace we receive from God, in the actual forgiveness and healing we receive for our actual sins on a day-to-day basis. Stephen: Doesnt everyone? That is that part of the ritual. Fr. Photius: Yes, sir. Fr. Thats okay. Fr. Fr. The only time it happens is this, and that animal is not sacrificed. This is so cool. Two Orthodox priests, Fr. So I dont think they were putting their sins on presbyters. How does that begin? Stephen: And so, yes, theres the figure, especially in the Apocalypse of Abraham, hes named Yahoel, this Angel of the Lord figure, who serves as the high priest for this eschatological Day of Atonement. Fr. Andrew: Yeah, I mean, how do they fish him out? Fr. What is spiritual reality like? Andrew: Okay, well, so related to that, actually, we have a caller. Andrew: Yes, right, so the idea is to take the sins of the people and get them out of the place where sin does not belong. Fr. Athanasius the Great, St. Athanasius of Alexandriain his work, On the Incarnation. Fr. How does him healing diseases fulfill that? All right, thank you! Stephen: Right. So thats sort of the first covering that takes place, is through that incense offering. I mean, people just. Fr. Fr. Andrew: Yeah, thats cool. Paul's "Works of the Law" in the Perspective of Second Century Stephen: Who get what St. Matthew is doing here, and not only do they get what St. Matthew is doing here, but they talk about this in terms of atonement. Fr. Stephens historical research dismantled beliefs that I held in common with thousands of other modern Christians about the Bible and its teachings. And then as you go out to the holy place and then to where the Levites are dwellingthe Levites and the priests have to maintain this higher level of discipline and holinessand then you get to the Israelites, who have to do this even higher level than the nations. When we say the Johannine literature, were saying St. Johns gospel, but also 1, 2, and 3 John, and the Apocalypse, the book of Revelation: it is found in all of this. Andrew: Yeah, which means its just a random toss, basically. It fell into disrepair. interject to be respectful and listen. Stephen: Right. Why is that mentioned? In response to what he viewed as not merely a malformation but a destruction of the Eucharist in Roman practice, John Calvin was dogmatic that the Eucharist is not a sacrifice. Yeah. Well, okay, so theres a little bit of backstory here, and again, Luke, using this detail about Christ being on the road to Emmaushes actually on the road to Emmaus, but everyone knows what Emmaus is famous for. Stephen? He holds a PhD in Biblical Studies from Amridge University and is the host of the The Whole Counsel of God podcast and co-host of the Lord of Spirits podcast on Ancient Faith Radio. So, uh, right. Well say what gets done with it first, then well talk a bit about Azazel. Andrew: Thats what it is. Stephen: Sin leaves a taint, not just on us. Stephen: Baptists across the South have just, you know, re-tuned their car radios away from AFR. [Laughter] No, theyve got to both be great. He picks up this idea of the eschatological Day of Atonement, and he says, Its Christ. So St. Luke is doing this narratively, and Hebrews is just giving it to us theologically, explaining it to us. Fr. But we have As we talked about last time, the sin-offerings that are being offered every day are not transactional. Andrew: Dont you know that yalls body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? The Book of Enoch: Scripture, Heresy, or What? Well, for first-century Judeans, that is the place of the Battle of Emmaus, and that is related to the Maccabees. But firstand this is where the English language nerd in me comes leaping outlets talk about this English word, atonement. Okay, so, Fr. Fr. Stephen: Right, well, we cant hang that on all Protestants, but, yeah, sometimes. Stephen: And not just in the way that all words are made up; its very deliberately made up, very deliberately invented to describe something that there wasnt really another good word in the English language for. So that spacewe talked last time, when we were talking about the other offerings, that there are sort of concentric circles, and that the closer you get to where God is dwelling So God is dwelling in the holy of holies in the tabernacle, so that is the place where the threat of this corruption is most dire. Andrew: Which is not the way confession works either, by the way, in case anyones thinking, Wait, what? Theres a wonderful parallel, in some ways, between these things. There are sort of a handful, I think four or five, uses of it in the first century AD and later, and like half of those are by Plutarch, by one author. Fr. Fr. Like, what did the altar do that it had to atone? Stephen: Right, the goat for Yahweh. Now the thing that has been done in part is now being done totally in full. Fr. Fr. Product details Publisher : Ancient Faith Publishing (October 18, 2021) Language : English Paperback : 160 pages ISBN-10 : 1955890048 ISBN-13 : 978-1955890045 Item Weight : 7.5 ounces So how could the Jews who did not convert to Christianity still practice their faith? Once again, I am delighted to announce that I was mistaken. There is literally no informationnow, this ritual, when you read Leviticus 16, theres a lot of detail here; weve already started with some of it, were going to have more detail as we go, but exactly whats to be done, there is no detail on how this goat is to be killed. Fr. Stephen: The goat who exists or the goat who creates Yeah. Here is another misconception Fr. Fr. Fr. I expected the book to be my final vindication in dozens of ongoing debates with well-meaning brothers and sisters who keep telling me that knowledge of the Second Temple period (roughly the period in Jewish history from the reconstruction of the Temple at the time of Nehemiah through it its destruction in AD 70) is neither necessary nor helpful for understanding the New Testament. As modern Americans, these are important questions. But the basic idea is that, as Leviticus says elsewhere, that blood is life, the blood of an animal is its life, so sin, this taint of sin and corruption, is death. Okay, sono, its good. And that is so so heart-rendingly beautiful. This kind of thing is fun, and it can be very easy, when exposed to theology, especially theology of this kind, thats trying to explain how everything works and how everything fits together and see things from Gods perspective, to approach our Christian life from that perspective, that its about me figuring things out; its about me piecing things together: its about this intellectual construct that I want to form in my mind, where I have the perfect theology and I understand everything. YouTube ", Nephilim: The Children of Lilith. So now were going to talk about how, number one, they actually didnt get it quite right, but what is the concept that that word is attempting to point to? Can you hear us? Andrew: All right, well, welcome back to the third half of The Lord of Spirits. So, Fr. But people have sort of imbibed this idea, so they sort of cite it. Fr. But 1 John is actually the book of the New Testament that uses the actual word, ilasterion, atonement, most frequently. Augh! Fr. I dont know. Okay, perfect example; this is probably the classic example: Matthew 27:25, where the people say in response to Pilate, His blood be upon us and upon our children. Now, given everything we just said about the blood of the goat, and given everything you should know if youre a Christian about what the blood of Christ does, if his blood is upon you, thats actually good. So its the same thing in terms of ordination. So, yeah, but that understanding of it is responsible for a lot of Western Christianity. Fr. What we reliably know about them is, "Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. But the much simpler way to read it is it just means cover. Bible Hacking with Dr. Stephen de Young BibleHacking 496 subscribers Subscribe 3.1K views Streamed 1 year ago A LIVE discussion with Orthodox Biblical scholar Dr. Stephen de Young.. Andrew: Now everyones going to want to read it! The Centar za Racionalnu Teologiju/Center for Rational Theology has produced some information regarding Giants in the Bible including that Everybody knows about GoliathAnd the enigmatic Nephilim and that, additionally, there are quite a few more giants and giant races mentioned in the Bible. They also elucidate The name Nephilim etymologically. Fr. So we dont know how it was killed. Fr. And then, so the Israelites are referred to as sheep sort of all through the Old Testament, and their leaders as shepherds, because theyre these sheep who are now set free from Egypt and brought out into this new pasture, all of that symbolism. It says that Christ is the atonement or the propitiation for our sins, not for ours only but also for the whole world. Someone could stand there and say, Hes turning the page; what does that mean? Fr. Father Stephen De Young's comments on political converts "If you're a high church Protestant, and your denomination starts ordaining women, and that's the only reason you're interested in joining the Orthodox Church, if they had never started ordaining women, you would have happily stayed there your entire life, you should not become Orthodox. In Hebrew, thats Yom Kippur, which is this annual commemoration thats made by the people of God in ancient Israel, but its an addition to the regular sin-offerings that are to be done every day. And thats what described, like in Daniel, as the abomination of desolation, because it rendered Yeah, they couldnt use the Temple any more after that. Andrew: Yeah, his single most popular and famous work. Theres built in an understanding beforehand. He preferred the terminology for the sacrament of the Lords Supper in order to present it as a meal,1 which he saw as standing in sharp contrast to the sacrificial conception.2 While Calvin himself consistently maintained that the Eucharist represented a real sacramental communion in the body and blood of Christ, this disassociation of sacrament and sacrifice led much of later Protestantism to reject even the sacramentality of the rite. by Father Stephen De Young In response to what he viewed as not merely a malformation but a destruction of the Eucharist in Roman practice, John Calvin was dogmatic that the Eucharist is not a sacrifice. Andrew: [Laughter] That we always get! Fr. Andrew: Yeah, so this is really cool, and its a really I mean, this is a major kind of transitional thing happening here, where, as youve mentioned a number of times, that the sacrificial system of the Old Testament is basically kind of a management system, managing sin, managing corruption, managing taint and death, and so that what we get in the Second Temple literature is, as you said, once and for all, that theres going to be a Great Day of Atonement, to end them all, so to speak: the ultimate, the fulfillment of all of them. Photius, are you there? He comes specifically to do combat with the evil one. Stephen: Right, that was later. All right, well, the third half is going to be the shortest half. We dont know that there were any prayers said when it was killed. Sorry. Andrew: So the blood is drained, the body is burnt. You guys are all asking the wrong questions! Its really cool. Now that dome is expanded to encompass the whole world, because Christnot only does he not just send the stuff back to Azazel, he gets rid of Azazel. So theres this idea that works were being taught and handed down. Andrew: Okay, Matthew 8. [Laughter], So, right, it has to do with when the ritual is described in Leviticus 16I know everyone knew that off the top of their heads, Fr. [Laughter]. Stephen: I love it when a plan comes together. Fr. Again, this isnt just a random connection. Fr. Fr. Were the Nephilim Genetically Psychopathic? For 10% off your first month, use the link, http://www.faithfulcounseling.com/gospelsimplicityMost Christians. Fr. Johannes U. Ro and Diana Edelman, BZAW 534 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2021), 263-88. Andrew: [Laughter] Right, no, no, no, theres more. Fr. Stephen: Right, because if he saw him directly, hed die. I am so thankful to have found this podcast, which is a wonderful resource on content and context! All right, well, lets talk about St. Lukes gospel, and, of course, Acts; these two kind of form a single narrative together, with just the In the former treatise, O Theophilus, at the beginning.

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