
A taxonomy categorising the continuum of usage was developed. Implement Sci. This article presents independent research by the National Institute for Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care for Yorkshire and Humber (NIHR CLAHRC YH). We have chosen to report the aggregate number of excluded papers on the PRISMA flow diagram (Figure 2). Theories and Models of Knowledge to Action - Knowledge Translation in One can also move between the knowledge creation phase and the action cycle, in an iterative fashion. the site home page. BMJ. It is possible some potentially relevant studies were excluded during the initial sift stage. 2007, 87: 1728-38. This reflected our focus on whether the KTA Framework is used in practice and, if so, how it is applied. 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2012.06037.x. When the framework was integral to knowledge translation, it guided action in idiosyncratic ways and there was theory fidelity. This showed that the degree of usage varied from merely citing the KTA Framework to full integration into the study. Notably, the KTA Framework assumes a systems perspective and situates knowledge producers and users within a system of knowledge that is responsive, adaptive, and unpredictable. Below are the links to the authors original submitted files for images. The Knowledge to Action KTF The Knowledge to Action (KTA)4 is an overarching framework that includes both knowledge creation and implementation. A prospective design would strengthen research studies. This review sought to answer two questions: Is the KTA Framework used in practice? Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. 61801, 2016 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Using the Knowledge to Action Framework in practice: a citation analysis and systematic review, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-014-0172-2, http://www.rcn.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0014/512600/2013_RCN_research_W06.pdf, https://epoc.cochrane.org/sites/epoc.cochrane.org/files/uploads/EPOC%20Taxonomy%20of%20Interventions%202002.pdf, http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/47332.html#a2.1, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. It may be useful for them to consider the extent to which they wish to follow or be guided by a conceptual framework before embarking on a knowledge translation project, especially regarding outcome measures because .the focus of knowledge into action is ultimately to enhance health status [1 p. 18]. The target audience included the public and patients, the families of older adults, health professionals, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists and educationalists/academics within universities. Methods: We used the Knowledge to Action framework, which was developed to map how science is translated into effective health programs, to examine how the evidencebased intervention from the 2002 Diabetes Prevention Program trial was translated into the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's largescale National Diabetes Prevention The KTA process has two components: Knowledge Creation and Action. As the process of KT is iterative, not only can (i) inform (ii), but components of the action cycle also feed back to inform knowledge creation [2, 3]. Future research could examine the studies which we categorised as using the KTA Framework to a lesser degree, perhaps for conceptual or persuasive reasons rather than instrumentally. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Only ten studies were integrated, signifying that the KTA Framework was integral to the design, delivery and evaluation of the implementation activities. A few free articles for further reading Chicago, The Action Cycle focuses on the processes needed to implement knowledge in healthcare settings including identifying problems; assessing determinants of KT; selecting, tailoring, implementing, and evaluating KT interventions; and determining strategies for ensuring sustained knowledge use. This reinforces the importance of theory fidelity and that authors refer to established taxonomies or reporting standards [36],[37],[40],[41] so we can understand how conceptual frameworks, theories and models are really used to guide practice or inform research. Knowledge Translation: Introduction to Models, Strategies, and - KTDRR The KTA Framework was adapted to different health service settings and resources, indicating a good fit for the diversity of real-world health care. Once an understanding of the potential barriers and facilitators to adoption has been achieved, the next phase involves planning and carrying out interventions to bring about the intended change. Note that action steps may not be sequential, and one can start at any phase of the cycle. Privacy The KTA process has two components: Knowledge Creation and Action. Some indication of the impact of this article can be gained from constructing a normalised citation count for comparison purposes. Data for each phase were then synthesised across studies to help understand how the framework had been used in practice. Making sense of implementation theories, models and frameworks. We did not assess the research rigour of the individual knowledge translation projects. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs. This may explain the varying degrees to which the framework was used. The Knowledge-to-Action Process The Coordinated Implementation Model The Stetler Model of Research Utilization Conner's conceptual model for research-utilization evaluation Publication Date: August 2007 Copyright 2007 The Board of Regents of The University of Wisconsin System. AB is Reader in Evidence Based Information Practice at the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield, where he leads on systematic review and evidence synthesis activities. Estabrooks CA, Teare GF, Norton PG: Should we feed back research results in the midst of a study?. One of the things that makes the KTA unique is that it begins with research evidence, the need to synthesize and translate that evidence - these are represented by the funnel in the middle of the cycle. 2009, 6: Paper 10-10.2202/1548-923X.1741. For Web of Science and Scopus citations, full abstracts were identified. Nursing Experts: Translating the Evidence - University of Illinois Chicago 10.1111/j.1553-2712.2007.tb02369.x. Jacqueline Tetroe MA, Celebrate the work you have accomplished. 2nd ed. This involves valuing the utility of the knowledge to the problem, setting and circumstances, as well as tailoring the knowledge to the specific situation. Only one study [26] reported using decision support tools as a knowledge translation strategy, although it is possible others did not report all the details of strategies they used to promote the adoption of their interventions. Molfenter S, Ammoury A, Yeates E, Steele C: Decreasing the knowledge to action gap through research-clinical partnerships in speech-language pathology. Once a KT strategy has been delivered, the use of knowledge should be monitored which may be instrumental (behaviour), conceptual (attitude/perception), or as a persuasive tool for pushing change(knowledge as ammunition). We did not include the many papers about clinical practice guidelines for two interrelated reasons. Papers could be scrutinised according to how their aims and objectives had been operationalised. So in terms of doing theory-informed KT, as the saying goes if you dont have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?, *ISLAGIATT: Attributed to Dr. Martin P. Eccles. McCormack B, Kitson A, Harvey G, Rycroft-Malone J, Titchen A, Seers K: Getting evidence into practice: the meaning of context. The framework has two components: Knowledge Creation and an Action Cycle, each of which comprises multiple phases. The study was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) for South Yorkshire and Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) for Yorkshire and Humber. The Knowledge to Action (KTA) Framework was developed in Canada by Graham and colleagues in the 2000s, following a review of 31 planned action theories. Using the Knowledge to Action Framework to Describe a Nation - LWW to the Generally, it was difficult to ascertain whether the methods used captured, and indeed subsequently addressed, the full range of barriers. Next, 911 records were excluded at the sift stage. Assessment of barriers can be done quantitatively and qualitatively using a variety of conceptual models and instruments. The search results are illustrated in Figure 2, the PRISMA flow chart. 2010, Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, UK. Implement Sci. Rather, papers typically stated aims and objectives, which often related to closing evidence/knowledge-practice gaps. Finfgeld-Connett D, Johnson ED: Literature search strategies for conducting knowledge-building and theory-generating qualitative systematic reviews. 61107, 102 Medical Sciences Building, 506 S. Mathews, Urbana, Implement Sci. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. The KTA Framework [1] is being used in practice with varying degrees of completeness and theory fidelity when the conceptual framework is integrated into the implementation project. Ullrich PM, Sahay A, Stetler CB: Use of implementation theory: a focus on PARIHS. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2010, 30: 167-71. 10.1002/chp.47. In addition, this suggests conceptual frameworks do not have to be mutually exclusive. Knowledge-to-Action Model (Adapted from I.D. Graham, J. Logan, M.B Secondly, multifaceted strategies are more likely to be successful than a single strategy [27],[46],[47], as they target different barriers [40], which reflects our interest in the real-world use of the KTA Framework, where it is probably impossible to control and isolate one strategy [48]. Part of Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care for South Yorkshire, Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care for Yorkshire and Humber. Exploring the impact of the KTA Framework, and other conceptual frameworks, on patients and the public in terms of health improvement and outcomes would also be worthwhile, as would exploring their involvement in the application of the framework, not just as recipients of services but as key stakeholders in each phase. 10.1016/j.cjca.2012.03.011. Menon A, Korner-Bitensky N, Kastner M, McKibbon KA, Straus S: Strategies for rehabilitation professionals to move evidencebased knowledge into practice: a systematic review. questionnaires). Prevailing wisdom encourages the use of theories, models and conceptual frameworks, yet their application is less evident in practice. J Nurs Care Qual. Knowledge to Action Framework - Monash Centre for Health Research and Using the Knowledge to Action Process Model to Incite - ResearchGate IL The Action Cycle was reported in all the integrated examples, illustrating theory fidelity in this specific subset of studies.

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