
[157] In 1956, the healing revival reached its peak, as 49 separate evangelists held major meetings. 1946), Sarah (b. Branham was baptized and ordained a minister by Roy Davis, the National Imperial Wizard (leader) of the Ku Klux Klan; the two men maintained a lifelong relationship. [196], Pentecostalism inherited the Wesleyan doctrine of entire sanctification and outward holiness from its founders, who came from Wesleyan-influenced denominations of the post-American Civil War era. In 1997, the O'odham Nation in Arizona accused Wayne Evans of defrauding their tribe of over $1 million and giving that money to Voice of God Recordings. [105][94] The photograph became well-known in the revival movement and is regarded by Branham's followers as an iconic relic. DOCUMENTAIRE: QUI EST VRAIMENT WILLIAM BRANHAM? - YouTube [41] In his early references to the event during the healing revival, Branham interpreted it to refer to the restoration of the gifts of the spirit to the church. Branham interpreted the cloud to be the face of Jesus Christ, and a fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 4:16: "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout". [265] Each of the men claiming to be his successor have established new sects of Branham's followers. Seven is "completion," like the world.". [128] At meetings in Regina, Branham pronounced the wife of a prominent minister healed of cancer. [232][229][233] Branham claimed to his audiences that he was hunting in Arizona when angels appeared to him and created the cloud overhead. [185] He believed healing was the main focus of the ministry of Jesus Christ and believed in a dual atonement; "salvation for the soul and healing for the body". [107], In January 1951, former US Congressman William Upshaw was sent by Roy Davis to a Branham campaign meeting in California. [47], Branham continued traveling and preaching among Pentecostal churches while serving as pastor of his new church. [195] Weaver wrote that Branham held a "Christ against Culture" opinion,[195] according to which loyalty to Christ requires rejection of non-Christian culture. He investigated the phenomena and discovered that the cloud had been created by an exploded Thor rocket carrying a classified spy satellite launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base that failed to make orbit. [10][29] Branham had no experience with religion as a child; he said that the first time he heard a prayer was at his brother's funeral. [193] By the 1960s, he had changed to openly teaching the Oneness position, according to which there is one God who manifests himself in multiple ways; in contrast with the Trinitarian view that three distinct persons comprise the Godhead. Attendees reported seeing him "staggering from intense fatigue" during his last meetings. [150] It also revealed that others assisting in his campaigns were taking financial advantage of the campaigns. [157] In 1955, he reported a vision of a renewed tent ministry and a "third pull which would be dramatically different" than his earlier career; he began to increasingly refer to the vision as his popularity began to decline. Children were beaten for minor infractions like talking during a march or not tying their shoes. "[127] One such case was Carol Strubler, who at age nine in 1954 was prayed for by Branham at a recorded revival in Washington, D.C., when he preached a sermon entitled "The Deep Calleth Unto The Deep". He chose a nation. [289][290][291] Schfer and his compound were portrayed in the 2015 film Colonia. The percentage of healings that stood up after investigation was embarrassingly low. [173] Branham refused, arguing that the purpose of his healing ministry was to attract audiences and, having thus been attracted, it was time to teach them the doctrines he claimed to have received through supernatural revelation. The FBI reported that, "rather than using the investors' capital to support the two funds, the defendants used the vast majority of investor money to purchase lavish gifts for their friends and themselves"[306][307][308][309][310], In 2020, Vinworth Dayal, a minister who promoted Branham's teachings in Trinidad was arrested and charged with money laundering through his church. [23] The help of the Klan during his impoverished childhood had a profound impact on Branham throughout his life. All serious jobs know that the time is advanced and that soon our beautiful Lord Jesus will meet with his thrust in the air (the Thessalonians 4: 16-17). Supporters of polygamy claim Branham authorized the practice in his 1965 sermon entitled "Marriage and Divorce". [11], His most significant prophecies were a series of prophetic visions he claimed to have in June 1933. [175] Branham acknowledged their rejection and said their organizations "had choked out the glory and Spirit of God". [173] According to Weaver, Branham's views on modern culture were the primary reason the growing Charismatic movement rejected him; his views also prevented him from following his contemporaries who were transitioning from the healing revival to the new movement. Walter Hollenweger, who served as a translator on Branham's European tours, reported that "very few were actually healed" in the campaigns, and the overwhelming majority pronounced healed by Branham failed to recover. 4th 691, 188 P.3D 580, 80 Cal. Reporters attempted to confront Branham over these issues, but Branham refused to be interviewed. When man gets into it, he ruins it. [190] In 1960, Branham claimed the Holy Spirit had revealed this doctrine to him as one of the end-time mysteries. 2 Vous pouvez vous procurer gratuitement cet ouvrage en consultant le lien : www.branhammessage.info Edition Mars 2014 Ddicace A mes fils, Voici ma petite contribution au sujet de la Nouvelle Naissance, aprs ma premire brochure sur Les 2 veaux d'or introduits dans le Message de W.M. It's just the woman that can. [269], Some groups of Branham's followers refuse medical treatment because of their divine healing beliefs. [48], By 1936, the congregation had constructed a new church on the same block as Branham's tent, at the corner of 8th and Penn street. [68], Herald of Faith magazine which was edited by prominent Pentecostal minister Joseph Mattsson-Boze and published by Philadelphia Pentecostal Church in Chicago also began following and exclusively publishing stories from the Branham campaigns, giving Branham wide exposure to the Pentecostal movement. "[25], "Branhamism" redirects here. [43] Because of the way Branham's telling of the baptismal story changed over the years, and because no newspaper actually covered the event, Weaver said Branham may have embellished the story after he began achieving success in the healing revival during the 1940s. Branham was open about the implications of his beliefs and publicly supported segregation. [167] Non-Charismatic Christianity completely rejected Branham. Historian Catherine Wessinger concludes Jones used Christianity as a vehicle to covertly advance his personal ideology, "Let me close by saying this: that the Son of man is now being revealed from heaven. Qui Est William Marion Branham Selon La Bible? - Facebook Every effort has been made to accurately transfer the verbal Message from the magnetic tape recording to the electronic page, and is transcribed unabridged and distributed by Voice Of God Recordings. [179] Throughout the 1960s, Branham demanded his listeners leave any denomination they were part of to demonstrate their loyalty to him and his message. [203][224][225][203][226], Branham preached a series of sermons in 1963 on the Seven Seals, which he regarded as a highlight of his ministry. It's a pitiful thing. [135], According to Kydd, "the controversy surrounding Branham deepened" with time. Like his sermons on the church ages, Branham's sermons on the seals were largely borrowed from the writings of Charles Taze Russell and Clarence Larkin. [129], At his 1947 meetings in Winnipeg, Branham claimed to have raised a young man from the dead at a Jeffersonville funeral parlor. His story was published in Reader's Digest. [248] About three miles (4.8km) east of Friona, Texas, and about seventy miles (110km) southwest of Amarillo on US Highway 60, just after dark, a car driven by a drunken driver traveling westward in the eastbound lane collided head-on with Branham's car. [79] An African American minister participating in the St. Louis meetings claimed to be healed during the revival, helping to bring Branham a sizable African American following from the early days of the revival. [81], Lindsay was a successful publicist and manager for Branham, and played a key role in helping him gain national and international recognition. Some thought he was an end-time messenger sent from God, and some still do. [262] In 1986, there were an estimated 300,000 followers. N le 06 Avril 1909 5h du matin sous un signe avec un Etre surnaturel qui l'accompagnait toute sa vie, accomplissant des signes et miracles. He would ostracize people from the community and separate families. [200] He taught that women with short hair were breaking God's commandments and "ridiculed women's desire to artificially beautify themselves with makeup". Les Ouvriers de la 11e heure selon la bible et le prophete william branham. [190], He believed that "eternal life was reserved only for God and his children". [65], Divine healing is a tradition and belief that was historically held by a majority of Christians but it became increasingly associated with Evangelical Protestantism. [142], Serious allegations also were made following Branham's meetings in South Africa during 1952 and complaints were lodged with government authorities. Investigators of Branham's claim were unable to identify the woman in the photograph. [234], In his sermons on the seven seals, Branham again indicated he was a prophet who had the anointing of Elijah and was a messenger heralding the second coming of Christ. [89] His preaching style was described as "halting and simple", and crowds were drawn to his stories of angelic visitation and "constant communication with God". [81][92] His illness shocked the growing movement,[93] and his abrupt departure from the field caused a rift between him and Lindsay over the Voice of Healing magazine. [185] Branham argued that God was required to heal when faith was present. I can never forget them. [98] Branham's final major overseas tour in 1955 included visits to Switzerland and Germany. [19] Branham told his audiences that he was required to help his father with the illegal production and sale of liquor during prohibition. But it'll come through a prophet. William M. Branham | Lumire du Soir [42] In later years, Branham significantly altered how he told the baptismal story, and came to connect the event to his teaching ministry. It's not sensible. [94], Most revivalists of the era were flamboyant but Branham was usually calm and spoke quietly, only occasionally raising his voice. Although he had hinted at it many times, Branham publicly stated for the first time that he was the return of Elijah the prophet in his final meetings in Shreveport. [110], According to Pentecostal historian Rev. He died in prison in 2021. "[63], Branham had been traveling and holding revival meetings since at least 1940 before attracting national attention. He is a segregationalist [sic]. [172][199] He denounced cigarettes, alcohol, television, rock and roll, and many forms of worldly amusement. [193] Early in his ministry, Branham espoused a position closer to an orthodox Trinitarian view. [15], Branham is known for his role in the healing revivals that occurred in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s,[62] and most participants in the movement regarded him as its initiator. Elle offre aux tlspectateurs, auditeurs et internautes des programmes d'missions, d'informations, de socits, et de divertissements la lumire de la Parole de Dieu. [240], Branham, however, adopted the teaching of Charles Taze Russell which associated the image of the beast with Protestant denominations. Branham identified historical Christian figures as church age messengers, naming some of the same men as Russel. If I was a colored man, or a brown man, or a yellow man, or a red man, I would be just as happy about it. [152] The IRS asserted income reported by the ministers as non-taxable gifts was taxable,[150] despite the fact Branham had not kept the gifts for himself. [154] Branham reported his annual salary to the IRS as $7,000 ($66,633 in 2020 dollars) while his manager Gordon Lindsay's was reported at $80,000. [150] The Charismatic movement is a global movement within both Protestant and non-Protestant Christianity that supports the adoption of traditionally Pentecostal beliefs, especially the spiritual gifts (charismata). [124][125] Kydd stated that it "is impossible to get even an approximate number of people healed in Branham's ministry. [199], Weaver wrote that Branham's attitude to women concerning physical appearance, sexual drive, and marital relations was misogynistic,[202] and that Branham saw modern women as "essentially immoral sexual machines who were to blame for adultery, divorce and death. [199] According to Edward Babinski, women who follow the holiness moral code Branham supported regard it as "a badge of honor". [57][58] Branham's wife became ill during the second year of their marriage. Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, Holiness movement Relation and reaction to Pentecostalism, Calvinistic form of the doctrine of predestination, height of racial unrest in the United States, "How a dead U.S. evangelist inspires London's reviled street preachers", "LFP Longform: Inside the doomsday cult-inspired world of London's abusive street preachers", "Trinidad: Cash pastor's sermons linked to 'doomsday prophet', "The Racist Effects of William Branham's Message Churches", "Milestones: 19451952 Office of the Historian", "Cripples rise from wheelchairs and walk", "Minister cured deafness, says 18-year-old girl", "Review: Preacher Behind the White Hoods", "Listens to a dead "kvaksalver" everyday", "Awesome Account From Ern's Time With William Branham", "The Intersection of William Branham and Jim Jones", "Deep Study: Reverend Jim Jones of Jonestown", "Tennessee Pastor Thunders Against Interracial Relationships", "Bro. [200] Branham condemned any emphasis on expensive church buildings, elaborate choir robes, and large salaries for ministers, and insisted the church should focus on the imminent return of Christ. [211], According to Steven Hassan, "Branham's sermons lay the foundation to believe that black people are the inferior race. En la lisant, vous pouvez comprendre l'importance de la rvlation de Dieu et de la . [143], Ern Baxter, who participated in most of Branham's campaigns between November 1947 and 1953 including his tours to India and Europe, reflected on the exaggerated reports of miracles in the healing revival in a 1978 interview. [185] Branham's teaching on divine healing were within the mainstream of Pentecostal theology and echoed the doctrines taught by Smith Wigglesworth, Bosworth, and other prominent Pentecostal ministers of the prior generation. [217][218] Hassan wrote that Branham's followers use "deceptive tactics to recruit and indoctrinate unsuspecting people," and that "recruiters do not tell new members" about the historic "deep ties to white supremacy groups. consult(e) ), page du mmorial de Rev William Marrion "Willie" Branham (6 Avr 1909-24 Dc 1965), ID de mmorial Find . Upshaw explained to reporters that he had been able to walk two or three steps without the aid of his crutches prior to attending Branham's meeting, but following Branham's prayer his strength increased so that he had walked four blocks. [252] One common theme among all groups is the belief that Branham was the return of Elijah the prophet and receiving his prophetic revelations is necessary to escape the impending destruction of the world. PDF LA FOI - Branham Message [195] Branham viewed education as "Satan's snare for intellectual Christians who rejected the supernatural" and "Satan's tool for obscuring the 'simplicity of the Message and the messenger'". The news media has linked Branham to multiple notorious figures. His only overseas trip during the 1960s proved a disappointment. Branham claimed repeatedly throughout his ministry that the vision was fulfilled during the 19271929 construction of the bridge, but there is no evidence of the drownings having ever occurred. [She] was beaten and forced to wear masculine clothes that covered much of her body, hiding her bruises. Only a piece, scrap, made of a man, to deceive him by; God made it, right here has proved it. "[127], Followers of Branham's teachings can be found around the world; Branham claimed to have made over one million converts during his campaign meetings. [81] Baxter generally focused on bible teaching; Bosworth counseled supplicants on the need for faith and the doctrine of divine healing. [210], Branham believed the term "predestination" was widely misunderstood and preferred to use the word "foreknowledge" to describe his views. [252] Even Branham's son Billy Paul seemed to expect his father's resurrection and indicated as much in messages sent to Branham's followers, in which he communicated his expectation for Easter 1966. Her fingertips were burned so she would know what hell felt like. [260], Edward Babinski describes Branham's followers as "odd in their beliefs, but for the most part honest hard-working citizens", and wrote that calling them a cult "seems unfair". His followers might refer to themselves as Branhamites or Message Believers. [188] Branham taught the doctrine widely from the early days of the healing revival, in which he urged his audiences to unite and restore a form of church organization like the primitive church of early Christianity. Branham died following a car accident in 1965. [30] Shortly thereafter, he began attending the First Pentecostal Baptist Church of Jeffersonville, where he converted to Christianity. E-11 (20) Et Jean tait l'un de ces hommes qui ne mchaient pas leurs mots. [259] Harrell took a similar view, attributing Branham's teachings in his later career to his close friends, who manipulated him and took advantage of his lack of theological training. [89], Branham spent many hours ministering and praying for the sick during his campaigns, and like many other leading evangelists of the time he suffered exhaustion. [199] While he did not condemn women who refused the holiness moral code to Hell, he insisted they would not be part of the rapture. [94][111] Branham held his first series of campaigns in Europe during April 1950 with meetings in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. Weaver accused Branham of major embellishments. [199] Branham once told women who refused to dress according to his instructions "not to call themselves Christians" but qualified his denunciations by affirming that obedience to the holiness moral code was not a requirement for salvation. [124] Hollenweger investigated Branham's use of the "word of knowledge gift" and found no instances in which Branham was mistaken in his often-detailed pronouncements. However, the cynicism became so deep that the people's confidence was diminished. In 1957 Branham openly criticized A. Bin sa ce rpet,bin j'aurai bien aim savoir si d'autres personnes qui l'on connue et suivi en t'en que vivant disent un livre a se sujet, de temps autre, mystre, complot, dans tous cela dans cette priode il y avait dj des camras donc des films aurait t important pour toutes ses connaissances et de voyages en voyage [189] He believed the rapture would occur at the culmination of this process. William Marrion Branham (April 6, 1909 December 24, 1965) was an American Christian minister and faith healer who initiated the post-World WarII healing revival, and claimed to be a prophet with the anointing of Elijah, who had come to prelude Christ's second coming; some of his followers have been labeled a "doomsday cult". [44][122], Branham faced criticism and opposition from the early days of the healing revival, and he was repeatedly accused of fraud throughout his ministry. [186] It supports the restoration of apostles and prophets, signs and wonders, spiritual gifts, spiritual warfare, and the elimination of non-primitive features of modern Christianity. [180][179], Most of Branham's teachings have precedents within sects of the Pentecostal movement or in other non-Pentecostal denominations. Branham claimed that he had converted over one million people during his career. [177], Pentecostal churches which once welcomed Branham refused to permit him to preach during the 1960s, and those who were still sympathetic to him were threatened with excommunication by their superiors if they did so. [210], Doug Weaver, Jon Schambers, and Michael Barkun have investigated Branham's serpent seed doctrine to identify its origin. [203], Branham taught an unorthodox doctrine on the source of original sin. [15], By the summer of 1940, Branham had resumed traveling and held revival meetings in other nearby communities. [181] He believed that the story of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden is allegorical and interpreted it to mean that the serpent had sexual intercourse with Eve, and their offspring was Cain. [98] He insisted his calling was to bring unity among the different churches he was ministering to and to urge the churches to return to the roots of early Christianity. That's exactly right. The government of Chile banned Ewald Frank from entering the country after finding he had been visiting and holding revival meetings with Schfer's followers at Colonia. He held meetings that month in Jonesboro, Arkansas, and drew a crowd of 25,000 with attendees from 28 different states. Charismatic author John Crowder wrote that his ministry should not be judged by "the small sliver of his later life", but by the fact that he indirectly "lit a fire" that began the modern Charismatic movement. [87], Branham partially recovered from his illness and resumed holding meetings in October 1948; in that month he held a series of meetings around the United States without Lindsay's support. Parole Parle TV (PPTV) est une chaine TV du Message du prophte William Marrion Branham selon Malachie 4/5-6. [149], The "word of knowledge" gift used by Branham was also subject to much criticism. [98] Branham was the first American deliverance minister to successfully tour in Europe. Schfer claimed to experience a healing in the meeting, and thereafter began to put more of William Branham's doctrines into practice in his group, and began to insist to his followers that they were the "only faithful ones" to William Branham's teachings. [123][128] Pohl also claimed Branham was frequently given and accepted large financial gifts from individuals who he pronounced as healed, including those who subsequently died. [8] The American government targeted the other leading revivalists with lawsuits during the same time period, including Oral Roberts, Jack Coe, and A. 3-14303", "$10 million bail for pastor charged with money laundering", "Johnson City preacher's video against biracial marriage goes viral", "Today's court appearance marks a new chapter in London's response to street preachers", "Street preachers' mission inside churches could be recruitment: Expert", "Radical street preachers disrupt Upstate church, scream insults at women, pastor says", "London street preachers sought by police on near year-long arrest warrant: court documents", "DRC: a minister denounces an "attack" with rosaries", "DRC: The revival churches called to the rescue by the power", "William Branham Evangelistic Association", Evangelical Times: 'William Branham', by Eryl Davies, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=William_M._Branham&oldid=1152590255, This page was last edited on 1 May 2023, at 04:24. [187] As a result, Moriarty concluded Branham has "profoundly influenced" the modern Charismatic movement. Court records indicate Frank was a key figure in helping Colonia establish its weapons factories by contracting with German arms producers to assist the colony in setting up their operations. [82][f] The story of Samuel the Prophet, who heard a voice speak to him in the night, inspired Branham's name for the publication. He and his fellow conspirators pleaded guilty in 2010 and in 2011 were sentenced to two years in prison and ordered to pay millions in restitution. [22] Branham was rushed to the hospital for treatment. [172][235] Branham did not directly claim to be the end-time messenger in either of his sermons on the church ages or the seven seals. Jones later became known for the mass murder and suicide at Jonestown in November 1978.

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