
Prophets, those nearest to God, always had very difficult lives. What are the advantages of running a power tool on 240 V vs 120 V? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Islam SE: Not an Muslim Peer Support Group, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. You feel bad about yourself. So forget Him and give in to your desires and try to squeeze out every last drop of pleasure and entertainment this life offers you. You only need to do is, recite this: I seek refuge from God against the devil. It is so horrible, it makes every problem I've had in the past look pathetic. Thank him in all situations because he knows what you do not. rev2023.5.1.43405. Then why i am given the choice for the unseen ? It's an illness my family can't cure and one doctors can't cure. There are a lot of signs to know the love of Allah in Quran. why do you need to have degrees? Mashallah, it is a strength to be honest. I understand that you have heard a lot about patience and this is not what I am going to talk to you about. Salam and welcome to IslamSE the Q&A site about Islam. your mothers depression due to bullying when you were a child. Why did Allah punish his own prophet? I took Advanced Level in January with some AS retakes and got mediocre results again. The peers at school bullied me. The most hurtful was when he had to see his uncle Hamzahs body being horribly humiliated after a battle. thats even not a divine faith problems to begin with. How can I make my Iman stronger by accepting this truth that Allah will not make it happen in my life ever. I have question cant ALLAH give us what we want and also what he wants ? Pray to Allah to give you joy in doing good. HE KNOWS WHAT I AM FROM INSIDE AND HOW MUCH I AM SUFFERING. ALLAH do not sent you hardship, he only sent tests if something puts you in hardship that is your own sins and doing, seek forgiveness of ALLAH and pray to LORD please take of this all burden from me, LOVE ALLAH PLEASE DONT MAKE YOUR RELATION WITH ALLAH AS GREED, MAKE YOUR RELATION WITH ALLAH NAMED LOVE, we are creature of ALLAH we must love him this is why we obey him, we never wanted Jannah or Jahanum, we have never advised ALLAH to make JANNAH or Jahanum, but this is award for whom who is for ALLAH in this dunia. He said after he completed his studies he would ask my parents for marriage. All Awliyas in the past were became close to Allah by performing sunnah a'mal. All of a sudden, a few days passed by without the brother seen in the masjid. ! There is simply no way to get help from friends or doctors. I don't think Allah loves me.. So many non muslims also there who have their some wishes full filled and some non fullfilled so praying in front of allah and ghairullah is same becouse who pray for allah has same that some wishes full filled and some are not, May oUr hearts find peace. It was a really bad time for me but Allah was there and everything turned out well in the end. Where might I find a copy of the 1983 RPG "Other Suns". What does 'They're at four. Dear anonymous, IslamicAnswers.com Staff Photo Gallery. It's hard to explain. In fact now I think I have 2 diseases. To be honest it doesn't even bother me that much anymore. Do not believe things that cannot be proven, always be skeptic and value reason, evidence and critical thiinking above unfounded claims. Please, dont be lazy to read, start easy and accept your fate of reality. It is TORTURE. This is when Shaitan will come to you and say look at your Allah, He has abandoned you to suffering and misery. he cannot even eat if we say BISMILLAH before eating, he cannot drink, and a person who is righteous is way to strong in front of satan, Satan can not even give him advise. I feel like Allah hates me? | IslamicAnswers.com: Islamic Advice Well, I'm at a point in my life where I have nothing to do about the pain I'm in. Low self-esteem is characterized by a lack of confidence and feeling badly about oneself. Why Is It So Hard to Get Married When Allah Created Mates for Us? Scan this QR code to download the app now. If you act disgraced and disappoint whst do you think you will do to there mental make up.exactly whst your doing to yourself now..woe is meim so worthlessStop it!!!. I also suggest doing dhikr and understanding Allah (Swt) 99 names. No, the prophet did not endure these moments less lightly just because he was a prophet. It was obvious to me at that point that perhaps he got really sick, like REALLY sick; so I decide to go and visit him. Just set up a plan. Keep on remembering that Allah will be happy with you if you try your best to remain a good muslim, and don't let shaiton whisper bad things to you. I don't feel like that Allah needs us to worship him, so why do we do On a more spiritual level, while it may feel like Allah subhanahu wa ta'alaa is punishing you, He is probably actually just testing you. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. and this is all per our desires. Its like what is really my life? Then also Allah will do with me what he want? I ask Him to help me. I think Allah doesn't love me - IslamicAnswers.com: Islamic Advice So I dropped out of school since the school environment was so toxic and studied n my own. Cookie Notice So easiness and fun times are just tests as hardships. Find your income in day, find Him who is giving you income in the rest of day in Night. A magician. Did he say. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". 2. Now I feel I have nothing to live for. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. And yes there have been a hard time for me to interpret the relation between myself and my god Allah just like everyone else but I feel shy (embarrassed) to share with details because that will put a shame to me. By - Qatada - in forum Islamic History and Biographies, Feeling like Allah is punishing me everyday, UK Wholesale Certified Face Masks, Hand Sanitiser & PPE, British Wholesales - Certified Wholesale Linen & Towels. ', referring to the nuclear power plant in Ignalina, mean? I feel like I'm beyond help. Everyone here has difficulties but unlike you not everyone panic, some of them used to call their LORD, and some of them just pray to make them secure and make them happy because if there is a rest and happiness there is Namaz there is prayer.. Hazrat ALI Says If I lost my house I would bear it. Im So Angry at Allah, I Lost My Love for Him. It's hard to explain. Keep praying to Allah, ask Him to guide you, find your call, your direction. 1. If Allah Is Punishing You For Something, It Doesn't Mean That He Hates You. We life in the Matrix, like it or not. I never mistreated anyone or deliberately tried to hurt them so I don't get why are they doing that to me? In addition to that, you feel your sisters are better, smarter, and more beautiful than you. He knows what toll all of this is taking upon me and how fragile and broken and vulnerable I am turning from inside, he knows I was never like that. But I simply CANNOT bear this. Because He is The Good that gives you not one, but two daughters born without defects. He was known that regardless of how the weather was (i.e. Anonymous here, whats the big problem about not having a boy here? I am sorry you are dealing with all of this. Easier said than done. Daughters are Gifts from Allah. If I dont feel like praying on a particular day, I wont. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Actually, no, Allah did answer it and there was a benefit in your duaa. Al-Hujurat(9), Surely Allah loves those who maintain justice. Omar Suleiman - Is Allah Punishing Me - muslimcentral.com Day and night I have no rest. I just dont know,i cant understand the meaning of life,i cant bear this pain.Its not just one,not two but its in everything.. If anybodyy has this answer please response. But even through these very hard times I kept on remembering Allah and seeking his guidance and always saying . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Ali 'Imran(148), Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him]. Having said that, he is very knowing of our limitations and our abilities therefore he didn't give you something you can't handle even though you don't feel that way. This is more than all of that. Is Allah Testing or Punishing You? I worry daily i'm not a good enough believer and muslim. I feel so worthless and sometimes I become so overwhelmed by pain and anger that I do not pray. are you not aware that in JANNAH one year will be equal to thousands of years.. and lives in JANNAH is for forever. Allah says in the Quran that He created spouses for us, "And one of His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find comfort in them. But if something happens to you in the capacity of you're doing wrong, then of course, you take that as a punishment from Allah Spano town. Im a Moslem cross-breed from a Christian father & a Moslem mother, but my father convert to Moslem though. Thus, the more one loves Allah The Almighty, the more he would hope for His reward and fear His wrath. These same idiots are going to be asking for their hand in marriage some daywhat they going to fo marry their big head dons to some other family sonskeep it movin man and be happy about daughtersthey are the nation builders respect them. I have no energy to get out of bed and I can spend hours staring at the ceiling not doing anything. My Friend, this world is not for living, this world is for obeying and for letting your LORD know that you really love him, you really trust on him no matter what happens, Have you not listen to Hazrat BILAL (RA) They was used to put on fire, but after all of this Bilal never says ALLAH does this to me they said OHHAD ( ALLAH Is ONE ). I deal with insults, taunts, and worse because of this illness. Do you know how many people have problems yet they do not dare to write to us? Mother will not let me become a commerical pilot because I am a girl! Hence some of the salaf said: "The gift of the believer is death.". Its mean that Allah leave me alone ? It's too much for me to take at this point. Second is Are we fully understand what are we prayed/asking to God?. Your email address will not be published. this Dunia is a false dream place, this dunia is nothing but a dream. I dont know how things will be. Being eaten by a wheel, preaching an entire life without followers. I couldn't distinguish back then whether this was a test or a punishment. I can't imagine what it's like to be a depressed atheist. You may feel like this is the result of your problem. ? And the effects of it are disastrous, to the point where I simply refuse to be around people because of the embarrassing side effects. It would be my second way of worshiping Him. Jazakallahul khair We would not live the modern, comfortable way we live right now. You need psychological treatment ASAP. Maybe it's both. World is fulll of disgustful people, Shaiton keeps on whispering for you to do bad things. This illness is preventing me from even going outside, doing normal things. People with low self-esteem often feel unlovable, awkward, or incompetent. (psychalive.org). Shaiton keeps on whispering for you to do bad things. i wanted to have a strong social hold but and being put as answerable for these why ? My things never work out. I'm also one of Allah's creations who is waiting to hear back from Him. My parents criticized me. 1 Either Allah responds to caller by giving him/her what was asked for in this dunya For example they someone would say: "O Allah I am sick, please cure me." And Allah cures them. About complaining to Allah, there is nothing wrong with that. The confusing thing about it is, it's an illness, but at the same time, it's not. Dont hate yourself , I feel like Allah is watching me, but ignoring my suffering. have you not listen to Fir-oon Wife? I pray to Allah (swt) every day, and spend hours thanking Him for what He has given me, in tears. Another sign is, if you perform mustahab deed and every time you make zikr, Allah loves you. This, like I said, has been the worst thing I have ever dealt with in my life, so I doubt anything bad that comes after this could be worse. So why even try? Are you not aware? This is from the devil. Al-Baqarah(195), Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves. Guess what? because we can find our ways ourselves , if you put Trust in GOD, ALLAH can reward you with power to see unseen. After all that work and worship which I do to Allah, I have been making all kinds of different duaas (supplications) to Allah all these past months and not a single duaa was accepted. Isnt it unfair, how to convince yourself in this situation that Allah is listening to you. I know it is easy to say and in practice it is the hardest thing. A few days later Ive been starting to pray and being religious for the first time and then Im getting these bad thoughts that are really bad and I feel like Im going to be punished. Im here , we can be friends maybe ??? Strong in faith. Be patient and think of how God intends to bless you through your hardship, and in that way, even the most difficult situation can be a gift from God if you have the right attitude. https://aboutislam.net/counseling/ask-about-islam/allah-tests-loves/. Family dysfunction has resulted in a scarcity of suitable marriage proposals, I delayed intimacy with my husband due to my in-laws but now regret it, His parents found him a new girl and Im left devastated, Used, manipulated, gaslighted, and then left by a man, Is it haram to be still in love with my ex husband, I chose my girl over Allah and am having a crisis of faith, Beaten and verbally abused all my life, now lost and hopeless, Father sexually abuses me, mother will not help. Do this for several times, and trust in God. What do we do about evil thoughts striking our heart? Did the drapes in old theatres actually say "ASBESTOS" on them? O Children of Adam (AS) you have some desires, i have my own, But only my desires will be executed, If you do what is my desire, i will return you with what is your desires, if you do not fulfill what was my desires, i will make you tired and then at last again my desires will be executed, And ALLAH Says Simon | Muslim Fitness & Mindset Coach on Instagram: "I need to be There are some people who dislike this transient world and long for that which is with Allaah of reward, and who love to meet Allaah. Ive been trying to ignore them but they are too bad and I always ask for forgiveness but I still dont know what to do. Why refined oil is cheaper than cold press oil? its 20s ( 2015 ) right? All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month.

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