
There, his dragon was caught by grapnels and dragged into the sea, and nearly drowned. Legend has it it was the Spartans command, as he had not come to conquer, but to liberate. One of the greatest technological feats of the North was its ancient and famous system of paved roads, which had been built three thousand years prior over the course of the reigns of three Kings in the North; King Rickard the Road-Layer, King Yoren the Road-Paver, and King Robbart the Road-Finisherand was further expanded by subsequent generations. Both the Black and Green factions had feared from the beginning an intervention by the Starks on behalf of the opposing side, and were terrified even more the possibility of escalating such a war between the realms to the point it would warrant the Starks to call on the Spartan to aid them. He was going to let everything pass him by and live in peace. Dany lowered the tip of the sword to the floor and leaned on the handle. Two cartfuls of dragonglass had arrived at Winterfell from White Harbor so far, with more on the way. Not a fan of Ben 10 but a SI who can turn into lots of aliens sounds fun. Other tales state that it was the Maiden who stayed the Spartans wrath, as even to the conquering Andals she showed mercy. He saw his brothers banners followed closely behinds by others. The full fruits of his labors would ripen during the reign of his grandson and heir, King Viserys I, who completed his grand-sires endeavor of building the Realmroad, and would come to rule the Five Kingdoms at the very height of the Targaryen dynastys power. It would avail him nothing but the death of many riverlords. (An attempt on a realistic portrayal if someone actually woke up in the insane situation of suddenly becoming Cersei. After ensuring the Gullet was safe, and the sorry remnants of the enemy was well on their way back across the Narrow Sea, he then left without another word. The two kings readily agreed to put an end to the bad blood between them, and to seal this reconciliation, Prince Rickon would wed Princess Rhaena, daughter of Aegon III and Viserys niece. The story will be a mix of the canon story in Fire and Blood and HBO's adaptation, House of the Dragon. Once the situation is realized, he's left scrambling to plan his long term survival. He was tortured and near starved to death., Another apologetic shrug. This left him incapable of stopping the enmity between Jon and Maegor, which only worsened over time. In the year 1857 AC the journal of the king that solidified the rule of the Baratheon dynasty was found. You are using an out of date browser. What words passed between them afterwards is entirely unknown, but some witnesses claim that the Spartan seemed somehow smaller when he departed that next morning, and when the royal family had come to see him off, he lingered to look down at the newborn girl, before he whispered some mystery to the sleeping baby, and then slowlyalmost reluctantly, some would claimhe departed in silence, returning at once to his slumber within the Dawn. Her stomach plummeted into her shoes and she quickly stood, hoping if they couldnt see her, theyd forget she existed and couldnt make any plans for her future. It goes on forever and ever. King Rodrik raised an army of forty-thousand Northmen to march south of the Neck, and was joined by Prince Aegon with forces loyal to his cause. It would be the last the world would see of the Algow Lady, for she never appeared after that unsettling day, and none dared to inquire the Spartan afterwords of what had occurred. Still, somehow or another I ended up being reborn as Jon Snow aka Aegon Targaryen. It is approximately a decade and a half before the Conquest of Dorne under Daeron I Targaryen, and all the dragons have died out. Thus began the Second War of Ice and Fire. #a song of ice and fire #game of thrones #fanfiction #asoiaf #halo #got #crossover #fanfic #fire and blood #house of the dragon #house targaryen #house stark #cortana #master chief. Dragonseed Thu, Dec 17, 2020, 08:43 AM. But the Spartan did not stay to hear her gratitude for his bold rescue, immediately flying back into the battle, where he turned the tide in the blacks favor single-handed, and prevented the greens fleet from sacking the Driftmark. The problem was I am in Westeros where people are falling dead like flies. From Last Hearth to the Neck, the North rose united behind them, in awe that their legendary heroes had returned to drive back the dragonlords. What followed was a duel immortalized in song, chronicle, and shows alike. But many a maiden had desired the Spartan, more than a few being Stark princesses before Cortana, and all had been rejected. His presence in Westeros will change historyand the people around him as he once again stands up as a hero to the world. One of the men who came out of the dungeons is suffering stomach pain. To put it mildly. It must have been by no means an easy decision for the King in the North, who was reluctant to involve his people in another squabble in the South. Soon, Baelor was repeatedly and incessantly attempting to convert the Starks towards the Faith through many means, sending a great number of septons to the North to turn the First Men towards the Seven Pointed Star. Oww! It was in the Two-Hundred and Eighty-First Year since the Conquest, during the reign of the Targaryen King Aerys, the Second of His Name Lord of thunder (SI-ish) "The Kings Justice!" Instead, he challenged the Spartan to single combat, stating that they should decide the outcome of the battle with a contest of arms rather than sacrifice thousands of men. Its called Widows Wail.. As for the Spartan and the Aglow Lady, the both of them returned to their slumber at the Foreward Unto Dawn after sending their army back to the Dawntown, with the Rogue Wolves coming to live out the winter alongside them. He cared about people, though he never knew why. Once he had secured peace for the realm, he instituted massive reforms to the system of taxation, which while unpopular at the time, helped to fill the royal coffers and fuel the Conciliators future endeavors. Send some cavalry, mounted archers mostly, past the Wall to hit the fringes of the dead army. What can be written of King Mychel of a Hundred Titles that a thousand other learned men have not already said? Offering no disrespect, Your Grace, but you could have sent someone else to fetch this medicine., Andacceptingno disrespect, Daenerys replied levelly, this man is under my special protection and I would see to his recovery personally., Ah. The maester gave her that same up-and-down look, knowing. Tearing her bonds with his own hands, he picked her up in the crook of his arm, and rescued Cortana Stark before the flames could reach her. Rhaenyras eldest son, Jacaerys Velaryon, flew on dragonback to Winterfell, and plead his mothers case to King Cregan Stark, the Old Man of the North. Are you good with that sword? asked Dany, gesturing to the thin blade at Aryas belt. She did not want such a man in her service. This, too, failed, as the Spartan leaped into the air so high that he was at her side within the blink of an eye. Seeing the Spartan destroy all but one of Rhaenyras dragons, which the Shepherd had convinced the people were monstrous demons, the smallfolk rioted in the streets and chanted the Spartans name. King Aegon had the Stark princess immediately arrested for attacking his royal person, and thrown into the Black Cells, much to the protests of Queen Naerys, Prince Aemon, and Prince Daeron. As he had been fostered alongside his brother at Winterfell, Viserys knew Cregan well, having arguably learned the best between them in the Starks court, and had likely contributed to his adeptness in his years as Hand of the King. Rickon and Rhaenas relationship was strained in their first years of marriage, primarily due to their differing religious beliefs. The surprisingly frank and direct journal entries give Dr. Hedda Barath a rather unique insight in what life was in Westeros 1500 years ago. I chose to add my story here because of amazing fics I've come to cherish, like Dread Our Wrath and Deeds, not Words. If God wanted to prank me I decided I should prank the world I was born in. What had been at first an ache within her chest, fit for bursting, had receded until now it was a tickle along her throat 296 AC, The Twins The morning of September the first dawned crisp and cloudy as summer began to fade into autumn, and the Stark family made their annual journey to King's Cross Station. The Spartan famously retorted to the prince that, if Rhaenyra had truly wished for peace, she would have listened to King Cregans advice by meeting with Aegon at a Great Council, and settled the succession peacefully, rather than drag out the war and inflicting more suffering on the people, before sending the prince back to Kings Landing with a firm refusal to take either side in the war. Theon Greyjoy, she corrected. "The Stranger was neither male nor female, yet both, ever the outcast, the wanderer from far places, less and more than human, unknown and unknowable." Theres not much else to do, Im afraid., He moved his gaze back to her. You are a Dwarf or; for those that speak Khazalid, the language of your people, a Dawi. I wonder whether this is how death feels. Surely enough, the Spartan handily defeated them, his thunder weapons tearing through one of Cannibals wings, and sent both dragon and rider plummeting into the Blue Forkan end seen by many as all too fitting, as it was the same fate he had inflicted upon his cousin, PrinceLucerys Velaryon. When Dalton refused, the Spartan hunted him down and slew him in single combat. Waking in Bloodraven's cave when Robert's Rebellion begins, A Giant SI's first step leaves big cracks in canon. Bran the Builder had supposedly granted the land surrounding the Dawn to the Spartan, that he might rule in his own right and not be made subject to any lord or king. King Torrhens famous defiance would be the greatest challenge to House Targaryens hegemony, and would threaten to crush Aegons rule in its infancyin a war that would be immortalized as the War of Ice and Fire. The shots fired so quickly that Aemon had no time to try and shield his brother, and before the entire court and the onlooking smallfolk, the king was riddled with an entire volley of the Spartans lightening-quick missiles, ripping through him with ease. Together with the remaining First Men kings, including King Monfyrd V Durrandon of the Stormlands, King Trystifer V Mudd of the Rivers and Hills, King Tybolt Lannister of the Rock, and King Gwayne IV Gardener of the Reach, as well as what few Children of the Forest remained, Theon and the Spartan drove back what Andals resisted them back into the Vale of Arryn, where legends state the Spartan took the Bloody Gate alone, and the Andals fled in terror of him. . It takes little to be the brutal dictator amongst the masses, but far more to be the manipulator behind the scenes, and the hidden piece in the game. Hers was called Lady. And true to his word to Kermit Tully, he took up the task of defending the Riverlands when an army of westermen, led by Jason Lannister, a supporter of the greens, came from the River Road with the intent of taking the Trident in King Aegons name. How could a man of knowledge and healing turn a blind eye to the horrors that happened here? It would be a longer-term project and difficult to pull off, but its definitely possible (even if each shot must be manually cranked) and a few dozen men equipped and trained with them could outweigh thrice their number in men at arms under the right circumstances. However, Joffrey, the character, has a terrible reputation and now is up to Kim, also known as Lloyd Frontera, to fix that. The wailing of an infant pulled me out of my thoughts. A life lived twice, for better or for worse, it matters not, for the price of cheating death is always a high price to pay. Asides from private life, I returned to what I had published for a mass edit. Many Years Ago -The Griffin Lord When his conquest of Dorne failed, Aegon the Conquorer hoped that his fire would be more the bane to the Kings of Winter. King Aegon believed his victory was total, and sailed to Kings Landing and sit on the Iron Throne. When Elmo and his men refused, and instead demanded the Spartan swear allegiance to the blacks cause, the latter set his army against the former. But in the South, it was decadence, not prosperity, that was the watchword of the ruling court. While he was handsome and charming in his youth, he was a man ruled by his desires, and proved to be a depraved, glutenous, and lustful man. Thus died Aegon II, the second Targaryen king to die at the hands of the Spartan. Can I have ALL the Male Self Inserts? Not complete. Arya Stark was up there, as well, not too close the dragon, but watching her. The realm was once more brought back from the brink of war, thanks to the efforts of the Spartan, Princess Cortana, and King Daeron. The Iron born are dying. The first is The Private Journal of Lysa Tully, which is a self insert into Lysa Tully. The town surrounding Winterfell had long since expanded into an outright city centuries before, its thatched huts and hovels transformed into great stone houses. Source: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-lion-beyond-death-au-got-si.663742/ An interesting start. Of all her features, the most striking were the vibrant blue eyes which seemed too vivid and lively for mere mortals, seemingly alive with a celestial blue light only the Aglow Lady could match. Use the dragons as scouts, but keep them away from the Others. It's been ages since I've posted my writing on a public forum, so thank you to any who decide to give this a chance. Upon arriving south of the Neck, near the Twins, he declared he had come to defend the people of the South from further suffering at the hands of the squabbling dragonlords, demanding each side to reach an armistice and end the violence immediately, and that any further harm done to the smallfolk would result in him bringing an end to the fighting on his own termsnamely, defeating both the blacks as well as the greens. There is one thing that the American people always rise to and extend their hand to, and that is the truth of justice and of liberty and of peace. But she is a Lioness with Heart, and anyone can take the Game of Thrones and throw it on its head if they know enough. So how did this get a YA/Teen romance subplot? I'll never stop until those 4 are dead What if after his death against Robert Baratheon and the Hammer. Stannis shook himself a little and his eyes grew more resolved. But he again refused to take the crown, stating he had come to protect the people, not rule themeven though, in the eyes of many, he would have made a great king. Aegon would eventually marry Jaehaera to unite the greens and blacks, and the Spartans medicines saw to it both she and her future children would be healthy and of sound mind. Its not for me, she answered. For almost a year, he would remain there, and would display a most unusual compliance to the wishes of Princess Cortana, teaching her of the history and wonders of his people, and familiarizing her with the mysteries of his technology, to which she displayed a miraculous adeptness to understanding and comprehending. With this openness between the North and South came also the spreading of knowledge. For her kindness, charm, and wit, she was soon so beloved by all the North that she was hailed The Joy of Winter. by Archmaester Yandrew of the Citadel, 513 MC Jeyne smiled as she pressed a kiss to her lover's shoulder. Still, I rose from my chair and picked up the child -my son, apparently- and began murmuring sweet nothings as I gently rocked him Chapter - 1 But then he opened them again. Harry Potter Games of Thrones fanfic: The Snake amongst the Sheep. Will Briony change the Game of Thrones or will she have an insignificant effect? The Spartan also sensed that, despite the wars end, the sentiments of the blacks and greens still lingered among many nobles, and he deemed it unsafe for the children to be left vulnerable to the Souths intrigues. But before he did, he made her a simple promise, the same one that he had, as legend has it, made to Bran the Builder in ages past: 'Wake me, when you need me.. Following the death of Maegor, the Spartan made his way south, where he was justly received as a liberating hero by the whole of the realm for ending the terrible rule of the Tyrant Dragon. Men and women that stood opposite me are demonized into fantasy.

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